Sanitation and Sustainable City Division
Sanitation must now meet its traditional objectives of treatment and flood protection, while also embracing a sustainable approach to address emerging challenges. These include improving the quality of aquatic environments, both ecologically and socially, by rediscovering forgotten uses like swimming, restoring water to a central place in our cities, contributing to a circular economy by valuing resources like water and heat, and adapting to climate change.
To achieve this, the Sanitation Division provides its clients with solid expertise in urban hydrology and hydraulics, as well as a strong capacity for innovation and the ability to identify the best technical solutions at all scales, from neighborhoods to large urban areas.

Our Activity Sectors
Since its creation, PROLOG INGENIERIE has been using its expertise in hydraulics and sanitation to serve local authorities responsible for the operation of sanitation infrastructure.

Hydraulic Studies – Modeling
The expertise in modeling software enables PROLOG INGENIERIE to meet the needs of project owners: INFOWORKS ICM 1D, 1D-2D, CANOE, MOUSE, Mike Urban, SWMM, CEBELMAIL.
The use of these tools can be applied to various studies: network operation diagnostics, design of infrastructures, and network management optimization.

Studies on Water Quality and Impact on Water Bodies
Linking the operation of the sanitation network to the quality of the receiving water bodies is essential for defining the appropriate interventions for achieving specific water quality objectives (ex. adaptability of water bodies for swimming).
For this purpose, we are capable of deploying all the necessary tools and models to understand interactions between networks and the environment, and to define the priorities for development.

Sanitation Master Plans and Action Plans
We have extensive experience in sanitation diagnostics at various scales (municipalities, unions, metropolitan areas, urban communities) and in defining development scenarios that take into account all technical, land-use, and economic constraints. We design for our clients detailed agendas, including prioritization and scheduling of work based on their objectives, costs, and specificities of each urban project.

Audits and Control of Public Service Delegations (PSDs)
Our team is involved in continuous technical control (verifying the quality of work execution, safety and hygiene on construction sites, monitoring the validation of measurements, etc.), checking the reliability of technical information provided in the Annual Report of the Delegate, and controlling the operation and maintenance of Information Systems.

Monitoring and Permanent Diagnostics
We assist local authorities in implementing Online-monitoring of discharges and the continuous diagnostics of their sanitation systems, in accordance with the decree of July 21, 2015 (as amended by the decree of July 31, 2020). To do so, we leverage our expertise in metrology (defining measurement sites…), 3D modeling (establishing or adjusting discharge laws…), 1D modeling (using models to compensate for the lack of measurements…), and the validation and processing of measurements using the EVE’m software developed by our IT subsidiary SIGT.