About us.

Founded in 1984 by Mr. Roberto BERTILOTTI to meet the needs for modernizing the management of sanitation and drinking water networks in the departments of the Paris metropolitan area, PROLOG INGENIERIE, headquartered in Paris, is an independent consulting engineering firm, separate from any public service operators or industrial groups.

PROLOG INGENIERIE’s expertise and scope of action have since expanded significantly. Today, PROLOG INGENIERIE and its two subsidiaries, SIGT (Computer Systems for Technical Management) and SAGEE (Water and Environmental Planning and Management Company), rely on a team of around fifty professionals with extensive experience in the fields of water resources and environmental engineering : sanitation, drinking water, rivers, telemanagement, modeling, project management, measurement, and IT. They can operate at a level tailored to specific needs, as advisors, experts, or project managers.

Our offices in Bordeaux and Lyon ensure a proximity and responsiveness to our clients across France.

With over 40 years of activity, our group has established its identity and built a culture of engineering highly valued by our clients.

Our commercial and technical teams are at your disposal to provide detailed information about our expertise and services, as well as to introduce the dedicated team members who make PROLOG INGENIERIE a recognized leader in water engineering.

Our Values

Environmental Responsibility

The natural environment faces growing threats due to urban, industrial, and agricultural development. PROLOG INGENIERIE is committed to providing solutions that align with sustainable development principles, delivering well-founded and optimized responses to every challenge.


Focused on the future, and to better meet the demands of our clients by adapting to market changes, industry advancements, and cutting-edge technologies, PROLOG INGENIERIE has developed a dedicated innovation Division since 2015.


We strive to find realistic solutions for each project, taking into account its specific technical and financial constraints, while ensuring reliability, safety, cutting-edge technology, and cost-effectiveness. PROLOG INGENIERIE is ISO 9001-2015 certified.


A major player in engineering in the European market, INFRANEO operates through its offices in France, Germany, Belgium, and Spain.

The group’s areas of expertise include: Soil, Environment, Water, Mobility, Civil Engineering, Building, and Energy.

INFRANEO brings together companies with high technical and technological value, including:

  • INFRANEO: Specializes in structural diagnostics for infrastructure and soil diagnostics.
  • PROLOG INGENIERIE and its subsidiaries SAGEE and SIGT: Specialists in the fields of water and the environment.
  • Martin GMBH: A German office dedicated to anti-corrosion systems.
  • TECHNIPIPE: Experts in the maintenance and integrity management of energy infrastructures.

In a constantly evolving environment, the Group strives to offer the best for its clients in both the public and private sectors. This commitment is reflected in multidisciplinary expertise, continuous innovation, a strong focus on technical value, and a hands-on presence on construction sites.


June 2024: PROLOG INGENIERIE joins the INFRANEO Group, a “major player in the engineering field” (Water, Energy, and Infrastructure).

By joining the INFRANEO Group, PROLOG INGENIERIE takes a significant step forward, expanding its reach to a European dimension. The company brings its expertise in sanitation, drinking water, river and maritime hydraulics, strengthening INFRANEO’s service offering with its know-how in 1D-2D-3D hydraulic modeling, telemanaged hydraulic systems, online monitoring, swimming profiles, and pollution dispersion.

This strategic evolution enables the mobilization of the human and financial resources needed to develop innovative projects for the management and control of urban and peri-urban networks, as well as the management of aquatic environments and marine and terrestrial risks.

PROLOG INGENIERIE is committed to sharing its expertise and creating new synergies with the INFRANEO Group teams.