Drinking Water Division

The management of drinking water supply systems must address the challenges of performance optimization, particularly reducing water losses, based on a reasoned strategy driven by financial imperatives but grounded in strong technical considerations.

To achieve this objective, the Drinking Water Division conducts studies to deepen the understanding of drinking water supply systems and define the required investments to maintain or even improve the quality of the drinking water distribution service, while keeping costs under control and accounting for future needs. Our team of experienced engineers and geomatics specialists has a recognized technical expertise in strategic and technical studies of drinking water supply systems, project management of infrastructure and networks, as well as in supporting the control and renewal of Public Service Delegations.


Our Activity Sectors

Strategic Studies and Master Planning

These studies focus particularly on asset diagnostics (pipelines and equipment), functional diagnostics of networks with hydraulic modeling and water quality analysis (using Software such as EPANET, PORTEAU, Synergi), assessments of the robustness of supply systems (crisis scenario studies and FMECA studies), and the identification of renewal needs (risk analysis of pipe failures using the CASSES software from IRSTEA), network security, and reinforcement strategies.

Feasibility Studies and Project Management Missions Prolog Ingenierie

Feasibility Studies and Project Management Assignments

These assignments may cover networks (reinforcement/extension, restructuring, interconnections), infrastructure (treatment plants, pumping stations, reservoirs), and telemanagement systems.

Assistance for Control and Renewal of PSDs

These assistance services include technical audits of Public Service Delegation (PSD) contracts, drafting the technical sections of PSD contracts, and providing technical support for the awarding of PSD contracts.

Valves for connection to an existing network in Verneuil-sur-Avre (27)

Valves for connection to an existing network in Verneuil-sur-Avre (27)

Connecting chamber under construction at Arsy (60)

Construction of a tower reservoir at Osny (95)

Overview of distribution sectors in Grand Lyon (69)

Leak density on a network in Essonne (91)

Paris parks and gardens watered with non-potable water

Automatic GIS-based EPANET model construction method

View of the PORTEAU model of Bordeaux Métropole (33) built by PROLOG INGENIERIE

Reservoir level setting result on EPANET

Extract map of interconnection pipes on CABCS territory (21)

Extract from the definition plan of the water supply network for a new district in Fleury-Mérogis (91)

Extract from an execution plan in Verneuil-sur-Avre (27)

Design of a pumping station in Val d'Oise (95)

Ground plan of the Coulonges (27) turbidity treatment unit